News & Events

Events for



Tuesday 8th
10:00am to 11:00am
Thursday 10th
10:30am to 12:30pm
Sunday 13th
Sunday 13th


Tuesday 15th
11:00am to 12:15pm
Sunday 20th
Sunday 20th
Sunday 20th
Monday 21st
10:30am to 12:30pm


Tuesday 22nd
10:00am to 11:00am
Thursday 24th
10:30am to 12:30pm
Sunday 27th
Sunday 27th
Sunday 27th


Tuesday 29th
11:00am to 12:15pm
Apr 8

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

The 62nd United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) took place between March 12th and 23rd and for the second year running Mother’s Union sent a delegation of members and staff to...

Mar 10


As March begins, we will be into the second week of Lent, a time of waiting, in preparation to follow Jesus to Jerusalem, to the cross and finally to victory over death.  It is a time when we remember Jesus’ fast and temptation in the Wilderness for forty days.  A time when, traditionally, we focus upon self-examination and repentance, a time of prayer, study and reflection.  You might be reading this and thinking that, as Christians, should we not come to God every day in prayer, humbly asking for forgiveness and ...

Mar 10



The next day (John) saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world."   John 1:29


The lamb is a powerful image for the saviour of the world. It is little used in the New Testament as a whole but it is one of the images used by Isaiah as he foretold the character of the long-awaited Messiah. It is also an image...

Feb 19


The exact origins of Mothering Sunday are unclear. Some have even linked it with the spring festivals for various mother goddesses held in ancient Greece and Rome. 

However, it is certainly known that by the 16th century during Lent there was one Sunday when all returned to their “Mother Church” - the main church or cathedral of the area. This custom evolved over the years to become the day when those working away from home, often in service, or as apprentices, returned...

Feb 19


Once again the time had come for a get together to cut out stars, donkeys, crowns and sheep.  This is a lovely sociable couple of hours with scissors, ribbon and a cup of coffee, taking place a couple of weeks before D-day.  These shapes are given to people as they arrive for the service and they are encouraged to wave them during the appropriate carol.  They are also given battery operated tea lights which are lit during the singing of Silent Night, when the church lights are turned low, and...

Nov 1


At the invitation of Christian Aid, David and I were invited to Choral Evensong at Westminster Abbey.  The service was commemorating the centenary of the birth of Oscar Romero.

Oscar Romero was born in a small town in El Salvador and went to a seminary at the age of thirteen and was ordained in Rome in 1942.  He became a much-loved pastor living a simple lifestyle alongside the poor.  In 1970 he was made a bishop and in 1977, to the shock of many, he was...

Aug 2


What could be more appealing - a weekend, a retreat, to worship, reflect and relax - especially before the frenetic build-up to the end of the school term?  A small group of ladies packed their luggage into my car (some having bigger bags than others!) and set off for Oak Hall.  We found this vast building nestled in the Otford hillside.  A Christian Retreat occupied by Oak Hall Expeditions. We found our way to the lounge through the labyrinth of corridors and were warmly welcomed and shown to our room.   This...

Jul 20


We attended the Youth and Families summer BBQ, at the church on Sunday 11th June and what a lovely time we all had.  It was a beautiful sunny day but I have to say my family and I have attended these events in the rain and still come away with a nice warm feeling from such lovely company and atmosphere.

We have attended Fresh Start and Mini Music since our three-year-old was a few weeks old. I remember walking in that first time to friendly faces and...

Jul 20


At the end of May, many of St Mary’s congregation attended Rochester Cathedral, to be part of a service where I was licensed by the Bishop.  It was very comforting to be surrounded by so many familiar faces on the day, as I have to admit that I was just a little bit nervous!  It was a great occasion and I have been overwhelmed by the support given from so many of you.  I would like to thank those who sent cards and gifts and particularly those who offered words of encouragement.

As I write...

May 27


Jesus said to them, " Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."   John 8:58

As a child I experienced nightmares frequently. While I trained as a doctor I realised that some of these verged on night terrors rather than just bad dreams. Dreams were so real to me that when I awoke I was uncertain where I was and whether I was still dreaming. I also experienced such...
