St Mary’s welcomes worshippers of all ages.
On the 1st Sunday of each month at 10.30am, people young (and those not so young!) worship together in an informal environment. This service is designed to enable all who attend to engage in worship, through teaching and music from our worship band.
Whenever there is a 5th Sunday in a month, we encourage our young people to be involved with the planning and leading of the main 10.30am service. We call this our, 'Youth led All-Age Service'.
Throughout the year, there are four Youth Parade Services: Mothering Sunday, End of Summer term, Harvest Festival and Toy Service. At these special services, local Guiding and Scouting groups, are invited to join in with for All-Age worship.
At other 10.30am services, young people spend the first ten minutes in church and then go to meet in age-appropriate groups. These groups are lively and stimulating, offering a chance for young people to discover more about their faith through a wide range of activities.
There is a carpeted area in church, where families with very young children and babies can sit if they would like to. This gives an opportunity for the children to play freely with a selection of toys, or for babies to roll around on a play mat, or bounce in a bouncy chair.