News & Events

Events for



Sunday 9th
Sunday 9th
Tuesday 11th
10:00am to 11:00am
Thursday 13th
10:30am to 12:30pm


Sunday 16th
Sunday 16th
Sunday 16th
Tuesday 18th
11:00am to 12:15pm


Sunday 23rd
Sunday 23rd
Tuesday 25th

Events are coming soon...

Apr 18


An extract from the eulogy prepared by Rosemary and Michael, and read out at the service of thanksgiving, telling about his life in World War II.

…With the onset of war, Ted volunteered for the RAF, much to the disgust of his father, who wanted to get him a commission for the Royal Navy. Ted was sent for training in Blackpool and lodged at a guest house with...

Apr 18

Mothers’ Union tackling women’s Economic Empowerment

How many of us take for granted that we have the freedom and ability to obtain and control our own economic resources? We can apply for the jobs we want, operate our own bank accounts and spend our money on what we choose. Mothers' Union know, through our work with communities across the world and the experiences of our 4 million members, that this is simply not the reality for so many women.



Mar 7


Group Scout Leader
32nd Bromley (St Mary’s Hayes) Scout Group

On so many occasions over the past three years uniformed leaders of the 32nd Bromley Scout Group have been asked by the people of Hayes ‘How is Baz?’ Just asking the question showed the love and affection he was held in. In truth, it was not an easy question to answer as Baz always made light of his problems; he just got up and got...

Mar 7


"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel" (which means, God with us).   Matthew 1:23


Ever since man developed the first glimmerings of a spiritual life he had begun to seek beyond himself and his immediate needs. First there was artistic endeavour in cave paintings and ornamentation of ordinary objects. Simple music began to be played and the voice was used for more than communication. Somewhere, in all of this, he began to reach out towards some...

Feb 1


Preparations for the Crib Service began a couple of weeks beforehand with a gathering of ladies who cut out a great many card crowns, donkeys, sheep and stars, whilst being plied with cups of tea and mince pies by our hostess.  Each shape then had a hole punched into it for Christmas ribbon to be threaded through so they could be hung on a Christmas tree later.  As people arrived for the service they were given a little battery candle, together with the shapes which they...

Feb 1


2016 was a busy and productive year for Sunbeams and Junior Church Fundraising.  Our Cake Stall in July raised £171.71 for Christian Aid, which was a great total.  The ‘pennies’ the children bring in each week for our Sunbeams and Junior Church collections raised...

Jan 6


I saw one of Margaret’s daughters the other week, and I felt I must share the news on Margaret. When she was clearing paperwork from Margaret’s desk, she found an invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party; she thought it was for the work Margaret had done weekly at the Multiple System Atrophy Trust at Ronald McDonald House, Guy’s and St Thomas’. The house is going to be renamed Margaret House. What a lovely memorial to Margaret.

Pam Cahill

Jan 6


'The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.'   Revelation 3:14

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why we utter the Amen through him, to the glory of God.  2 Corinthians 1:20

I don't know about you but I sometimes go through patches in my life when everything feels very flat and dreary. It's not depression but more a lack of sparkle to everything around me. I turn to my hobbies and they don't feel as full of purpose as they...

Dec 17


Jesus teaches us to be persistent in prayer. Perhaps the prayer that we use most persistently is The Lord’s Prayer, said each time we come together to worship and used by many of us in our daily prayer times. This meditation focuses our attention on each phase of the prayer.

I cannot say OUR if my religion has no room for others and their needs.

I cannot say FATHER if I do not demonstrate this relationship in my daily living.

I cannot say WHO ART IN HEAVEN if all my interests...

Dec 17


“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers.” (NIV)

My Bible reading notes have just started to look at some of the psalms for two weeks. Today it is Psalm 1 and the...
